Tata Motors Ltd.

Create a single ownership experience that focuses on key user needs


Competitive Audit

Design thinking

Iterative design

User experience



Project brief

To elevate their ownership experience, Tata Motors have asked us to design a mobile application to unify all their post purchase services, from remote controls and security alerts to maintenance and trading in their vehicle.


The current post purchase product offering from Tata Motors included 4 applications with slightly different purposes and overlapping features aimed at customers who owned specific models of vehicles. Our goal was to consolidate these services and introduce new features while ensuring the app catered to the unique functionalities of each vehicle model, maintaining a symbiotic relationship between the vehicle and the app.

My Role

  • Create personas and write use cases

  • Produce user flows for complex processes to help the design team and client gain clarity on the designs required and aid developers

  • Own features of the app from requirement collection, process flows to designing and delivering

  • Create and maintain a design library

  • Working alongside developers and the client to adapt the designs to align with technical feasibility, time or business process constraints


Adoption & stickiness
Customer delight
Increased revenue


Design prinpciples



Customers should feel known and understood with an experience that is tailored for them. To build loyalty and trust with the brand



We create delight through simplicity and by bringing the key moments within the experience to life with motion



We will deliver an experience that is suitable for a diverse user group, in terms of both needs and vehicle features


What you need,
when you need it.

Always in control

Integrated vehicle features and data collected to ensure maximum control.

Safety is our priority

Monitor, track and get help at any time, from anywhere.

Get involved

Take part in events, groups and challenges to earn badges and Tata group reward points.

Trade in and trade up

Creating a seamless trade-in experience from home to dealership.

Key Learnings & Reflection

Design Process

I proposed, designed and facilitated design critique sessions which became integrated as a regular activity during each sprint and is now being used across other projects as a result.

  • Purpose is to allow the team to inspect each other’s work and give feedback

  • Inconsistencies across different sprints were spotted more easily and the team able to align in the initial stages of the design

  • Team members were able to suggest existing components which could be used in place of new designs to bring continuity across different sections

  • The designers were also encouraged to take inspiration from other members’ designs